Client Detail


Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery

Lifetime Opportunities
40,536 last 30 days 554
90-Day Totals
1,650 previous 1,431
Increased by 15.30%
Rolling 90-Day Average (per day)
18.33 previous 15.9
Increased by 15.30%

AI Generated Insights* 🤖

Dominant Lead Sources
The Consultation form and Phone calls are the most significant lead generation vehicles, contributing approximately 38.7% and 34.7% of total leads, respectively. This highlights the importance of prominently positioning the consultation form and ensuring accessibility for phone contact.
Underutilized Channels
Quick Contact and Unbounce together account for around 7% of the total leads. Given the context that Quick Contact is a 'last chance' capture opportunity, it may be worth exploring ways to increase visibility or simplify the form to boost conversions from these underrepresented channels.
Stable Trends and Potential Growth Areas
The moving average analysis shows consistent performance for the Consultation and Phone channels. However, there is a slight downward trend in Phone leads towards the end of the 90-day period. This could indicate a potential threat if not addressed, possibly due to changes in user behavior or accessibility issues.
Negligible Facebook Leads
There were no leads captured directly through Facebook forms, suggesting a potential area for improvement or reevaluation of the strategy. Considering the extensive user base on Facebook, optimizing these campaigns could capture untapped potential.
* Based on an analysis of categorized lead aggregates over the last 90-days.
Tracked Forms
Active Landing Pages
Global Form Snippet